We are from the tribe of Okpella

Foundation in the Diaspora focused on Home

About Okpella
Discover the Kingdom


To promote Unity, Peace, Progress and Development of our home Land (Okpella) without distinction of age, sex, political, religious or other opinion, by co- operating with the statutory authorities, voluntary organizations, individuals and other persons in the society with a common goal of advancing development in Okpella
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To offer Development advice, ensures Accountability and promote responsibility among the leadership of Okpella when it comes to the use or sharing of Revenue from our common resources in our land. The Association shall henceforth stand again sharing of such revenue amongst individuals or groups, except such sharing in line with the provision of amenities such as Hospitals or Health centers, schools, play grounds or children’s parks or other infrastructures for the common good of our community. We shall all stand together to say “enough is enough” and when necessary, take some legal actions to ensures conformity to our vision Development plans.
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We Were Also Established...

To establish or to secure the establishment of a regular forums aimed at promoting Dialogue among the warring factions in various communities and groups in Okpella so has to bring lasting Peace and Development to the people.

To stand against all forms of injustice & Impunity in our Land and become a big voice to the voiceless Sons and Daughters of Okpella that are being exploited daily by their employers of the hosted companies and the so called youth leaders who are supposed to be the representatives of the people.(A) The Association shall achieve such objectives by constantly making sure that the Nigeria Labour Act are applied, followed under the Nigerian Employee's Compensation Act, 2010 as amended